The Conservative Trump Supreme court gets it wrong and many Americans will die. The conservative Trump court voted against New York’s 10 and 25 person capacity limits. None of the Justices has a background in epidemiology or pandemic responses yet they chose to overrule the health experts recommendations to the states.
They also chose to override state and local officials who have studied their particular situations and came to their decisions based on science, numbers and expert advice.
All the court used to decide was their biases.
Justice Gorsuch, showing an absolute misunderstanding of reality compared the restriction on bicycle shops and wine shops, which have no singing, no large crowds and brief contact with religious organizations which have long services and long contact periods, singing and large groups of people in a close confined space.
Perhaps the Justices did not see the picture in the New York Times of thousands of people packed into a hall with no masks in site.
Gorsuch and the other conservative judges on the Trump Supreme Court come to the erroneous conclusion that religious organizations are being treated more harshly than businesses.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
If equality of treatment is all the justices were after in the persuit of justice why not make capacity limits for all organizations the same. Place a 10 person limit on the bicycle shop and a 10 person limit on the religious organization.
Businesses require customers to wear masks. Make the requirement for mask wearing also apply at religious organizations.
American will die because the conservative justices place their personal biases above human life.