Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has not yet launched a presidential bid, says in ad "We must do better than the Obama/Clinton foreign policy," ahead of Clinton's expected presidential bid....
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tracehd1 says
Remember the election of your Brother who you helped to become President by
cheating out the voters in Fl…(?) I do…GFY!
Pksoze says
Jeb is going to have a hard time spinning this. His brother’s foreign
policy consisted of:
Worst terrorist attack on US soil in American history.
2 seemingly unending wars.
The inability to actually capture Bin Laden.
Seriously, Obama may not be perfect, But Bush’s own brother was a foreign
policy disaster.
j6663000 says
Hilary Clinton would be a terrible president.
Louis Serrano says
Bush number three with the same thinking… God save the world
Tyler Durden says
Jeb Bush would be a terrible president .
Easternodyssey says
Has Reuters now turned to showing political adds? Could kind of understand
it if it was a newspaper, but on here it just looks like Reuters is doing
some advertising for the Republican party.
Thorin Oakenshields says
Bush, Clinton. We have a dual monarchy. You can’t see this? Its one after
another after another. They’re the ONLY people qualified to run the
country? If it ends up with these two, all I can do is smile and say it’s
85 & sunny off the grid.
mike smith says
Yeah let’s get back to the bush foreign policy. Sounds like a great idea
Ann Boylen says
My, my the devil has cut off its horns and wings, but his hoofs are still
showing. Maybe you need to kiss some black babies or greet some Mexicans
at the border. Gun in hand of course. I just have a few question Mr.
Bush. Which state will your brother be handing over to you as a token in
return for Florida? Have you etched out a plan to stop all the black
voters via State Troopers so they don’t get to the polls in time? I can’t
imagine swing states like Virginia or Nevada having enough jail cells for
the black men you’ll need to suddenly convict and bar from voting. Or
maybe you’ll have the secretary of state secretly purchase 1,000,000 paper
shredders for all the female and minority votes?
BeepimajeepBeep beep says
Hundreds of millions of people live in the USA, and we have Jeb Bush and
fucking Hilary Clinton as our 2 best potential leaders? Fuck, I am ashamed
to be an American right now. All you idiots supporting either one of these
candidates are unAmerican, and you should feel ashamed at how stupid you
RedRockification says
After 8 yrs Bush, 8 yrs Obama, lets give this clown a chance, I mean how
much more can he screw America?
Murdoch Montgomery says
Same as the drunk in your family who make oil business in Irak ?? With all
my respect you will never be a president !!! because of the republicans
background,full of disrespect like you friend Marco Rubio or the canadian
that never be president too,or many others in the republican party
offensive which is a common characteristic in a very rich people.POWER
!!!! and nothing else.
Syed Jafri says
I wouldn’t vote for anybody with the last name bush.
SconnerStudios says
Why won’t you Bush’s go away?
Adnan Kashogi says
Oh boy
natetheD says
Bush/Clinton… just great. Fuck them both.
MrGreenstar2012 says
Turn off the TV
Deon says
We need a lot more inghsits like this!
adrian andonie says
Christy Waters says
Jeb Bush is the same bastard who gave Hillary Clinton a Liberty Medal on
the eve of the 1st anniversary of the Benghazi attack…He essentially gave
her an endorsement before the blood on her hands was even dry. I am NO fan
of the treasonous fossilized hag, but Jeb Bush sold his right to criticize
her the night he heralded her praises while hanging that medal around her
wretched neck.
Joe Timmer says
Remember to actually listen to what he has to say, and not just judge him
by his name. He has different ideas than his brother. He would actually be
pretty good. He isn’t super right wing, but he is more of a centrist.
eyefor aneye says
not another dumb ass BUSH
Eero Haapala says
A Bush calls for increased foreign military spending? Woah, I’m so shocked!
yungplex says
It takes a special kind of jagoff to go for this brand of fuckery. Why does
Jeb Bush feel the need to run on such insecurity? The county is ready for
real change not useless rhetoric.
Carl Terreros says
like the guy with the 25 cent bag of “beernuts” at his crouch, gyrating and
thrusting violently and you if you vote for this “person” who is obviosly
hide-in his “beernuts” i say we put “cruz” in control in 2016, shootz, my
bag because he was “BORN IN CANADA”(calgary 1970) during the “NAM”. but if
we make cuba the 51st. state “raul castro” could run, legit….”castro in
2016-2020″ \//,