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Archived from the live Mises.tv broadcast, this lecture by David Stockman was presented at the Mises Circle in Manhattan: "Central Banking, Deposit Insurance, and Economic Decline." Includes...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The chosen ones: How government creates crony capitalism… John Stossel –
The Chosen Ones: How Government Creates Crony Capitalism 4/5/13
if sugar is to cheap then big oil would suffer from dirt cheap ethanol.
tax em tax em tax em your government at work
maybe a dumb question on the car-boats, but why not just have a switch or
something that disables the airbags when the car-boat is in water.
New York is a lost cause. That’s all I can say. They’re all communists.
Vulgar libertarianism at its finest, hey stossel read kevin carson, eye
Kennedy is so sexy!
Geez I wish Stossel would’ve asked Beck “Why not Ron Paul.” Instead Beck
got off without having to explain NOT backing the one Constitutional
candidate in the primaries… even called him dangerous; ridiculed Ron Paul
over and over on his radio program and on his news site “The Blaze.” All
this after spending the previous 2 years on FOX opining the loss of the
Constitution, educating about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. No
one’s that stupid… he’s a misleader.
that was pretty impressive when Stossel admitted how stupidly close to the
fury of the ocean he built his house which was soon enough destroyed BUT,
because he signed up for Federal Flood Aid, he never lost a dime…then he
admitted that he’s ashamed of how he gamed the government to “bail him out”
of a risk that was foolish and should have been his alone…he really
didn’t have to do that so I give him 10 points for honesty in
journalism…I can’t believe I’m saying that about a FOX Host
One of the best videos from this amazing educational channel
It has Glenn Beck in it, admitting he’s become a libertarian. Yh, it’s
kinda an old news but whatever…
#johnstossel #liberty
Rather than bitching and moaning about who is or isn’t a True Scotsman
libertarian people should focus more on improvement.
The focus shouldn’t be about who is or isn’t such an such a label or who
isn’t libertarian enough the focus should be on how great it is that more
and more people are shifting towards libertarianism.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Republicans to embrace ending the drug
war, instead celebrate when one changes his mind on medical marijuana. And
if some Republicans actually start meaning it when they call themselves
financial conservatives that’s great. Same with Democrats, but being in
power at the moment they seem to have little incentive to do anything other
than attack all critics of Obama.
Food for thought from John Stossel.
what else Oligarchy is? OK moving toward Oligarchy.
I’ve sort of have gone through the same journey Glenn Beck is right now.
Only difference is that it’s gone through much faster. My libertarianism is
sort of reactionary to the 2012 election results. I also supported Rick
Santorum at one time too. Now looking back I’m glad he didn’t win the
nomination. Truthfully only one person could’ve beaten Barack Obama big
time and that was Herman Cain who’s 999 Plan I was (and still am) a big fan
of. But any GOP candidate in the end is BETTER than Obama.
Sometimes crops are better suited to other climates, like they have more
water or solar incidence, or the type of soil that that this particular
crop needs, or that the cultivation is labor intensive and that country has
surplus labor to deploy. I think you can make a stronger argument if you’re
talking about some high order capital intensive product like
semiconductors, but farming just sounds like protectionism.
I understand what you’re getting at, but if we all got cheaper food for a
while that would be great, and if they raised the price later, it isn’t
like we’ve lost the formula for growing suger beats or anything, they could
just put the crops back in. These are mostly just CLAIMS of subsidy as a
way of justifying protection for their markets.
It takes a humble man to say ‘I’m ashamed’ on national television.
To abolish war abolish humanity, then send god a letter and tell him to do
a better job when he creates
Then the United States is well on its way to collapse. There is no
solution. This country is going to burn and smolder.
Enough is Enough
Ive been listening to Glenn on and off, for quiet some time, maybe he said
something as far as approving gvt. force, every single time I wasnt
listening. But that would make it for an odd conspiracy :). I didnt hear
him advocating gvt. force. Unless you mean enforcing the law? Well he is
Libertarian not an anarchist
David Stockman is a freaking genius with the ethics of a philosopher-poet.
I love you, Mr. Stockman (in an avuncular way)!
And Lew Rockwell… ROCKS! Viva MISES! :)
Funny how David couldn’t imagine anyone worse than Bernanke? Is Yellen
Please check out this weekend event in Southern MN Aug 22-24th for Austrian
Economists, Agorists, Lovers of Liberty, Free Markets, Sound Money, and
Peace! https://agorafest.com/ and please follow us on Twitter at
Crony business
You mean how global capitalism destroys the US market. Be HONEST. Globalist
“The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and
commodities into capital. The live green earth is transformed into dead
gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the
many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns,
wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs,
television, and armed force.”
We have to rebuild our society, as a productive society. We have to launch
new industries. We have to use the space industry, as a science-driver,
actually–not the way it’s being done now, but a science-driver program to
develop new technologies: the use of nano-technology, which is one of the
important technologies; other technologies coming along.
So, we will have to employ people on a large scale, as Roosevelt did, in
public works, based largely on either government–that is, Federal, or
state, or even local government–utilities; or we will have public
utilities which are chartered by state governments, like we used to have
public utilities, for things like power and so forth: high-volume; certain
large-scale government project, to local public utilities. People can
invest safely, their savings, in these kinds of public utilities, because
we regulate the system, to make sure these things are safe for them.
A whole TV station called “MisesTV” broadcasting right wing corporate
pro-capitalist propaganda xD
“Crony” capitalist, rofl…right.
There’s nothing “crony” about it – that’s how capitalism in its REAL FORM
How Crony Capitalism Corrupts the Free Market | David Stockman
You relalize that before there were these programs the people did not die
like flies right? And this was back when the average income was like a 10th
of what it is now. So that immediately disproves your assertion, please
understand that. He’s not ‘keeping quiet’ hes just not running for any
office. You shouldn’t swallow government propaganda like this, just read a
history book about how people managed wellfare before the state got
involved. Fascists are in favor of food stamps btw.
Really? So communism, a stateless system, benefits the state at the expense
of the individual people? Yes makes sense.
perhaps the solution, then, is no government? Certainly anarchic communist
communities would do better than the Mao personality cult.
Hmm… so what asset classes would it be good to invest in in this
environment? I know commodities preserve wealth, but for growing it?
You ever ask yourself why America became the wealthiest country in the
world, with a strong middle class? Capitalism is the answer to that
question. You can gladly piss off and move to a socialist, or communist
They soon saw however that this kind of system could not sustain itself
indefinitely. The apostle Paul say here: For even when we were with you,
this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
(2 Thessalonians 3:10)
You sound pretty amazingly stupid yourself.
Gold is only a preservation of wealth. Owning assets that produce things
that people NEED is an investment. Examples: a repair shop, farm land, saw
mill, a copper mine, timber forest, cement factory, oil well, fishing boat
and things like that.
In the current system I completely agree that supporting unlimited corprate
money is damned evil. But in a sound monetary system that would be fair and
moral. In the current monetary system where the government and the fed
print(which essentially steals value from everyone else) and give it to
their buddies, unlimited corprate money in elections is damned evil.
lengthyounarther is a top notch Anarcho-capitalist / Austrian youtuber but
a second rate troll lolz.
+Yes, unemployment is a government program, they call it minimum wage.
+Fascism is not a free market doctrine, that’s the whole point of fascism;
“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the
state”. Fascists were generally former socialists (Mussolini for example),
it’s called national SOCIALISM for a reason. +Ron Paul is a good man, I
admire him very much.
You certainly managed to produce a lot of shit in your comment, Also, why s
much obsession over Lengthyounarther’s comment? He is a hardcore
This isn’t quite the caricature of Libertarianism that you have been
exposed to I imagine.