Latest NEW Speech and Q&A by Prof. Noam Chomsky Date - May 30, 2014 Chomsky starts at 6:16.
Former Republican congressman & three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul tells Larry how he'd handle ISIS & why he thinks U.S. Foreign Policy is to blame f...
Chomsky starts at 6:16
Diversity is a just a code word for less White People.
Nobody says an Asian country that is virtually 100% Asian needs more
Nobody says an African country that is almost all Black needs more
Anti-Whites claim “anti-racism” but ONLY demand diversity for White
They say it’s Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but White
countries for EVERYBODY. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is
anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
when USA propaganda says Snowden is a highschool dropout, what are they
This guy just can’t stop the bullshit pouring out of his mouth. Who the
fuck does he think he is? “This is what REALLY happened and only I know
WHY, I know the TRUTH that no one but me understands” No wonder idiots
gather in throngs to listen to this self centered psychopath. People fell
in love with hitler too. What a scumbag you should all be ashamed. Anyone
who Tells you he knows unequivocally what happened and why, in circle that
he has NEVER stood in is a narcissistic cow.
No one seems to mention that it is a lot easier to change the people at the
top through democratic process. If decent people are elected then the
things that the majority want to happen would. Until you replace the people
who are resisting what the majority want it is a lot harder to change
things. This is where the major effort should be to convince the apathetic
ignorant masses to get informed, find candidates who are the MENTORS in
their communities who are not tied to political parties and send them to
the national assembly to truly represent their electorate directly
unencumbered by a party heir achy. Independents answerable and loyal
firstly to their electorate not firstly to a political party. A true
democracy would be an all independent parliament discussing an issue
through debate and force of argument to finally, after all discussion on
the topic is exhausted, to vote not directed by a party hierarchy but by
their conscience and then the majority position to be adopted as the way
forward. After all are we looking for consensus not institutionalized
opposition to everything put forward by the opposition in a mainly two
party system are we not?
i used to revere the united states of america as an entity with the purpose
of elevating its’ citizens above the other nations of the world while
holding up standards that other states should follow. having learned some
more history about it; reading, university lectures, noam chomsky, howard
zinn, and the legion of talented american comedians, bill hicks and george
carlin specifically, among other people, i have seen it exposed as the
diseased program of global domination it is. from revered to vilified, i
view it through much different eyes. i don’t hope for it be destroyed, that
is too cruel and unfortunate for the good people that still live there, but
i hope the dissolution of obama’s tyrannical government and the reversal of
its’ fortune follow through without death and elimination. the process of
salvation is an act of waking up, and i hope my fellow earth dwellers in
america see the forces they are beat down by as not permanent, but very
much in flux with action and determination.
[1:33:00] Chomsky, during the Q&A session: “As individuals there is very
little that we can do to confront the enormous problems that we face, but
when people get together and organise and form mass movements they can do a
great deal. Why not? Then they belong to something. They belong to
Audience member: “They’ve never done it in the past!”
Chomsky: “What?”
Audience member: “They’ve never done it in the past!”
Chomsky: “It’s happened all the time in the past.”
Same audience member: “For how long?”
Chomsky: “For thousands of years. That’s how feudalism was overthrown.
That’s how slavery was eliminated. In more recent years, that’s how women
began to get relatively equal rights. There’s just case after case.”
Same audience member: “What about The French Revolution?”
Chomsky: “The French Revolution carried things forward and then there was a
regression. Very common. Eh, the, eh, the activism of the 1960s, to be more
recent, civilised the West considerably in many ways. But there was a
regression. That’s what happens. Power systems do not give up willingly.
They’ll fight back. There’s been progress. They’ll fight back. We can then
go on from a higher plane. That’s what history is like.”
Same audience member: “Under capitalism, they will always win.”
Chomsky: “Only if you let them win. If you let them win. [Applause] First
of all, first of all we should recognise that what exists isn’t remotely
like capitalism. I mean, I gave a couple of examples but could go on. There
is a system of state corporate power but it’s not immutable. Lots of ways
to overcome it and remove it and some of them are being pursued effectively
right now. So for example, take the United States (the place I know best),
the Old Rust Belt, the industrial region which is declined seriously
because of a decision to undermine manufacturing and to crush the
workforce. There is a reaction. The reaction is the spread of worker-owned
enterprises which are proliferating throughout this region. Now that can
expand and if there is enough popular engagement it could expand
dramatically. So, for example, a couple of years ago Obama essentially
nationalised most of the auto industry. Okay? Well, if there had been an
organised popular movement… there were several choices he could have
made. One of them, the one that was made was to essentially hand it back to
the same owners and go ahead doing what they were doing before – producing
cars. Another thing that could have been done is hand it over to the
workforce. Let them own and direct it and let them produce the things that
the country really needs. For example, high-speed rail – what I said about
China and Boston is like a scandal. That could have been done and with
enough popular organisation and activism it would have been done. But you
can’t blame the lack of that on some human instinct. You can only blame it
on the failure of people like us to do what we should have been doing. And
if you do it, you can have these effects as has always happened in the
past. Sometimes the effects are dramatic. Take say the women’s movement.
Okay? That’s half the world’s population. If you take a look at American
history. It’s not that different elsewhere, but you go back to the American
Revolution. The colonies took over British law, naturally. According to
British law, women were not persons, they were property. Legally, a woman
is the property of her father and the property is handed over to the
husband. One of the arguments against allowing women to vote was that it
would be unfair to unmarried men, because a married man would have two
votes since obviously the property votes the way it’s owner does. Over the
years there was chipping away at this, but it wasn’t really until the 1960s
that it almost totally collapsed. In fact in 1975, which is not that long
ago, the Supreme Court recognised that women were legally called peers.
They are legally permitted to serve in federal juries. Okay? That means
they’re persons. That’s a big change. I mean an audience like this wouldn’t
look like this fifty years ago. When I came to MIT (1950s), it was white
males, obedient, well-dressed, deferential, and so on. You walk down the
halls today, it is half women, third minorities, informal relations (which
means a lot), activism all over the place. And that’s happened all over the
world. It’s happened in Germany. I’ve seen it when I come to give talks
over the years. It looks different each time. Well, those are big changes.
Major changes. And they didn’t come by wishing for it. They came about by
organised activist efforts which were hard, met a lot of resistance, but
won a lot of gains. And it can be done in many other ways too.” [Applause]
In 1907 the president of Princeton University declared,” the doors of the
nations which are closed must be battered down…Concessions obtained by
financiers must be safeguarded by ministers of state, even if the
sovereignty of unwilling nations are outraged in the process,” In 1949
George Kennan, the head of the state department planning staff, said in a
memo ” that the Third World was to fulfill its major function as a source
of raw materials and a market for the industrial capitalist societies. It
was to be exploited.”
In my lifetime, few have forced me to think as deeply as Chomsky, and what
I find most interesting about this figure today, is that his assertions are
leveled just as heavily at the left as the right. This deeper examination
of policy and philosophy is something that should be required viewing in
our educational system, as it is a well articulated and supported view that
we just refuse to acknowledge.
its awesome how people just swallow this bullshit whole,
look at these bums
academic “star wannabes”
look at the broad in the leather jacket.
shes got “im gonna be the next chomski” written all over her face,
“im goona be a hot chick chomski with cool clothes”
“book tour and lecture circuit where sophomores kiss my ass here i come”
Professor Chomsky, you are truly as sharp as ever. Thank you for your
tremendous wisdom and insight.
Right wing Americans hate socialists, yet their capitalist system is
destroying the world environmentally and socially.
Come to Costa Rica… we have a sustainable community called Serenity
Gardens Eco Village. Check us out on You Tube… a great place to weather
the storm… we’ve planted thousands of fruit trees, created tilapia ponds,
green houses, chicken, edible land-scapes. (-:
The blond woman next to him looks pissed and bored.
If MIT was still using merit, it would still look pretty much the same and
no matter who is there, they should be deferential and well dressed. The
major change would be more white women and Oriental Asians (Japanese.
Korean, Chinese).
Mostly thee welfare of its CORPORATIONS…. citizens get send on the front
lines. (13:05) Phrase for lies for 50 years; main is independant nationism
now we got it strait.
Unless you understand his German introduction , skip to 6 minutes for his
He’s in remarkable condition for an 85 year old 😀
May he live many more happy years.
What an absolute luxury to have this man teach us how the world around us
works and how it affects each and every one of us.
I for one am truly grateful to have lived at the same time as the eighth
most “cited” person in history.
Alex de Tocqueville during his visit to the United States
observed;Americans tend to follow their leaders and have trouble thinking
for themselves.
An NRA ad preceding a Chomsky speech? Really? I’m speechless!
Noam Chomsky (2014) “Driving Forces in US Foreign…:
Who is this guy doing the introduction? He is Austrian, isn’t he?
This old boy never fails…. Just says it how it is. How anyone with an
ounce of common sense can fail to see that the entire race is permanently
being placed in very real danger of being wiped out purely so corporate
entities can increase profits is beyond me. The inevitable last grasp by
the west (directed as always by private funding of a few elite entities) to
try and halt the progress of the “upcoming” eastern and African states, in
my opinion, is the going to be THE most defining moment in human history.
With countries like Israel and US in possession of nuclear weaponry and
having doctrines built upon Mutually Assured Destruction, their is a very
real threat of doomsday scenario.
Oh yes. Thanks again Noam.
Brilliant as usual. Chomsky’s the man
This man should be the US president. Fuck his stance on abortion and health
care, that can be changed by the electorate. Bringing troops back home and
closing 90% of military bases around the world would put the US back on the
fucking map. Close the Feds, CIA is the only sane thing to do right now,
what the fuck is wrong with you Americans? Getting your panties in a bunch
over abortions? Come on, wake the fuck up already.
Ron Paul is the truth!!!….END THE FED!!!.
Got to like Ron Paul
Ron Paul for President of The Republic Of The United States.
Yes Ron, an experimental drug should be a decision between the doctor and
the patient but rushing an experimental drug onto the market then the
potential for mandatory vaccinations is where the problem is at.
“I’m waiting for the real revolution. The intellectual revolution. It’s
coming. ” RP
Why is lying government schill Larry king on RT?? suspicious.not a good
Larry,thank you for having Dr. Paul on your show.
Ron Paul 2016!
So Larry King spent his whole life being a shill for the elites and only
now that he’s near death’s door does he actually care about things like
RON PAUL IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have more of a chance of being killed by a cop then getting Ebola.
Ron Paul needs to be the United States President! He knows what he is
talking about. Unlike that big joker Obama. Im so ready for that bozo to
leave the white house. Ron Paul a very very very wise man:) Obama is the
worst President this world has ever seen:(
*Politicking: Ron Paul Blasts ‘Deeply Flawed’ U.S. Foreign Policy*
Ron’s usual flawless opinions given, a great watch
What a great man
As a lover of peace and unity between nations; I do not like this man to be
the president of US, he will stop wars and that will make the world so
quiet and boring.
vote for Sarah palin, she can see Russia from her house, sure she
understand the world better than such fagat.
Listen to Paul never gets old… Very good interview, great pople…
i don’t know why they are always making advertising to follow on twitter
when google+ is so much better
If they (the GOP and the media) screw Rand Paul out of the primaries like
they did his dad, I’m moving to another country) Canada doesn’t look that
bad right now. I wouldn’t mind Ted Cruz (besides Rand, he’s the only decent
option), but I’d take Rand over anyone (except for his dad that is)
TheLouisXXI, trolling and spewing lies and nonsense, also blocking people
from replying to you shows how you are.
RP would never get elected president cause he world actually keep his
promises and help the country truly for a change, so can’t have that
instead America will get Hillary Clinton just so they can say woot we have
the First Lady president, much like the first African ..,more of the same
crap forever …only hope is public uprising and a total revolt against the
whole system.good luck with that so long as people keep watching the
kardashian crap and being debt slaves …
Ehola is a tool to spread fear and give vaccines to kill …. Also an
excuse to move our military into Africa to build bases to expand our
zionist NWO…
Larry king you are amazing still going strong !