America is not a democracy, nor was it intended to be. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Jason Rumleysays
Democracy is mob rule and much more suited for small societies of the same
ethnicity. Our republic isn’t perfect but we have one of the oldest
constitutions in the world so I’d say we’re doing alright.
There has never been a real democracy on Earth. Even in ancient Greece most
of “the People” were slaves. Real democracy will be governance designed
to DEFINE and FULFILL the true will of the People. When real democracy
emerges it will trigger our prophesied thousand years of peace, justice,
truth and prosperity for Posterity, because that’s what our vast majority
wants. Don’t you? If you’d like to end the rule by the psychotic
banksters and their corrupt politicians, please, vote for the Democracy
Petition to End Political Corruption at
Please, help spread this message. Thank you.
The more I hear from Noam Chomsky, the less he sounds like an
“Anarcho-Syndicalist” and more like a Marxist Liberal. America is a
“Constitutional Republic”, it’s about securing individual liberty. The
founders hated a direct Democracy, because it always turned into mobbed
rule. Mob rule always leads to chaos and the downfall of a nation. Such as
in Greece and Rome. Noam Chomsky should stick to linguistics and critiquing
foreign policy, because he knows little about the functions of government
and economics.
Now all of his raging fanatics are going to hound me for this comment.
I don’t know of an effort in government to disenfranchise blacks. To make
them FEEL disenfranchised gives them a reason to support half the
government and feel as though they are part of the process. The new way to
control the masses is through illusions and propaganda.
“The ‘responsible’ class of men…” how Chomsky is a walking
encyclopedia of astonishingly anti-democratic quotes from a very long line
of US leaders & statists. I recall the Gore vs Bush coup (PNAC) and agree
re public indifference. Strangely enough, I recall some of the more heated
debates were with those who, although openly expressed a lack of concern
one way or the other, EAGERLY joined the anti “conspiracy theorists”
bandwagon, facts be damned. American priorities, ya know…
Its called MEDIAN VOTER THEOREM. Competing factions always converge to the
median voter. It’s actually a surprise as to why they don’t converge
perfectly. Chomsky really isn’t saying anything controversial or unknown.
I get what you’re trying to say but it doesn’t address the fact that there
is some level of functional democracy and essentially having a voice and
using it is with some intelligence is too threatening to these entities who
are working to cut it down further. The intelligent practice of democracy
is essentially the greatest threat to their overall plan of
disfranchisement of non-republican voters. To the extreme republican right
non-republican voters are just ‘enemy’ voices to be eliminated.
Have you seen what the Republicans have been up to in a variety of states?
It’s somewhat similar to how the southern states disenfranchised blacks for
about a century after the Civil War freed the slaves.
You completely don’t get what he said. Most people knew the elections were
fixed in the first place, so why would it matter that one faction of the
elite stole the election? As for your second point, you completely missed
what he exactly said ( honestly I missed it the first time around). “75% of
the public didn’t know what’s going on” phrase was him being
tongue-in-cheek. Chomsky meant that people didn’t see the election as a
real election, since the choices were limited. Your third point is..
Voice and equality are important to democratic participation. In a
meaningful democracy, the people’s voice must be clear and loud – clear so
that policymakers understand citizen concerns and loud so that they have to
pay attention to what is said. Since democracy implies not only
governmental action in response to citizen interests but also equal
consideration of the interests of each citizen, democratic participation
also must be equal.
We’re all free! Free to be slaves! Trading our ball & chain for
chains-of-debt, we’re free to bleed we’re free to sweat. Free to be lied
to, and vote for whomever they choose. Free to be fools, and used as war
tools. Free to have the illusion of choice, free to bury our girls and
boys. Free but blind to the irony, of spreading “freedom” when we’re not
free. When all we spread is hypocrisy, and this sytem of slavery we call
Democracy is mob rule and much more suited for small societies of the same
ethnicity. Our republic isn’t perfect but we have one of the oldest
constitutions in the world so I’d say we’re doing alright.
Chomsky doesn’t care about Us.
There has never been a real democracy on Earth. Even in ancient Greece most
of “the People” were slaves. Real democracy will be governance designed
to DEFINE and FULFILL the true will of the People. When real democracy
emerges it will trigger our prophesied thousand years of peace, justice,
truth and prosperity for Posterity, because that’s what our vast majority
wants. Don’t you? If you’d like to end the rule by the psychotic
banksters and their corrupt politicians, please, vote for the Democracy
Petition to End Political Corruption at
Please, help spread this message. Thank you.
also called Aristocracy!!! back at 2500 BC in Greece where aristocrats held
the power of their country before Democracy was born
A perfect, if somewhat cynical definition of a democracy is two ravenous
wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for dinner!
A Republic is much better than a Democracy. The Law of the Land
rules/restrains the government, while it protects individual freedom.
Democracy is mob rule, which means 51% can take the rights from the 49%.
It’s wrong.
The more I hear from Noam Chomsky, the less he sounds like an
“Anarcho-Syndicalist” and more like a Marxist Liberal. America is a
“Constitutional Republic”, it’s about securing individual liberty. The
founders hated a direct Democracy, because it always turned into mobbed
rule. Mob rule always leads to chaos and the downfall of a nation. Such as
in Greece and Rome. Noam Chomsky should stick to linguistics and critiquing
foreign policy, because he knows little about the functions of government
and economics.
Now all of his raging fanatics are going to hound me for this comment.
The US didn’t even become a faux democracy until 1924.
This guy is always so enlightening. He speaks with this rare clarity.
I don’t know of an effort in government to disenfranchise blacks. To make
them FEEL disenfranchised gives them a reason to support half the
government and feel as though they are part of the process. The new way to
control the masses is through illusions and propaganda.
“The ‘responsible’ class of men…” how Chomsky is a walking
encyclopedia of astonishingly anti-democratic quotes from a very long line
of US leaders & statists. I recall the Gore vs Bush coup (PNAC) and agree
re public indifference. Strangely enough, I recall some of the more heated
debates were with those who, although openly expressed a lack of concern
one way or the other, EAGERLY joined the anti “conspiracy theorists”
bandwagon, facts be damned. American priorities, ya know…
@hugolescargot Exactly. couldnt have said it better.
… that would be part of the reason why it isn’t a democracy.
Its called MEDIAN VOTER THEOREM. Competing factions always converge to the
median voter. It’s actually a surprise as to why they don’t converge
perfectly. Chomsky really isn’t saying anything controversial or unknown.
I get what you’re trying to say but it doesn’t address the fact that there
is some level of functional democracy and essentially having a voice and
using it is with some intelligence is too threatening to these entities who
are working to cut it down further. The intelligent practice of democracy
is essentially the greatest threat to their overall plan of
disfranchisement of non-republican voters. To the extreme republican right
non-republican voters are just ‘enemy’ voices to be eliminated.
Thank you again Prof. Chomsky. As usual, a penetrating illucidation.
Noam Ccomsky the brightest star in the cerbral darkness of USA
Clever guy.
Democracy without socialism is a sham.
Have you seen what the Republicans have been up to in a variety of states?
It’s somewhat similar to how the southern states disenfranchised blacks for
about a century after the Civil War freed the slaves.
I officially hate America. Hate.
You completely don’t get what he said. Most people knew the elections were
fixed in the first place, so why would it matter that one faction of the
elite stole the election? As for your second point, you completely missed
what he exactly said ( honestly I missed it the first time around). “75% of
the public didn’t know what’s going on” phrase was him being
tongue-in-cheek. Chomsky meant that people didn’t see the election as a
real election, since the choices were limited. Your third point is..
Voice and equality are important to democratic participation. In a
meaningful democracy, the people’s voice must be clear and loud – clear so
that policymakers understand citizen concerns and loud so that they have to
pay attention to what is said. Since democracy implies not only
governmental action in response to citizen interests but also equal
consideration of the interests of each citizen, democratic participation
also must be equal.
We’re all free! Free to be slaves! Trading our ball & chain for
chains-of-debt, we’re free to bleed we’re free to sweat. Free to be lied
to, and vote for whomever they choose. Free to be fools, and used as war
tools. Free to have the illusion of choice, free to bury our girls and
boys. Free but blind to the irony, of spreading “freedom” when we’re not
free. When all we spread is hypocrisy, and this sytem of slavery we call