Trump’s Top Choice for the Supreme court Judge Amy Coney Barrett a member of a religious group People of Praise that former members call a cult.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been quotedas saying that her main goal of her law career is “rebuilding the house of the lord.”
Let’s put that together with her membership in People of Praise to see if it can give us a glimpse intothe house Judge Amy Coney Barrett wants to build.
People of Praise teaches that men have authority over their wives.
Members have to swear a loyalty oath and donate at least 5 per cent yof their earnings to the group according to a story in Newsweek.
One of the women who “escaped” their captivity in this cult, Coral Anika Theill, says that she was under her husband’s control 24 hours a day 7 days a week. She had a posted schedule of chores and male members of the group would come in to check the schedule several times a day unannounced to make sure she was doing all of her assigned chores.
There was no privacy – any male or her male head advisor could come in any time unnannounced.
Another former member Emily DeClerq Flannery said,
“They’re very watchful of their people. They report things to your heads if they see you out doing things you’re not supposed to be doing. It’s very much a Big Brother type of thing,”
I don’t think this is is the type of “house most women in America want built to replace their current freedoms and the equality the enjoy today.
While today’s standards are not perfect yet it is a heck of a lot better than going back to the “dark ages” where women were almost considered the property of their husbands.
The one of the main reasons that Trump and the Republican senators are pushing this replacement so unceremoneously this close to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death (she is lying in state at the courthouse today) is that Trump and several Republican Attorney Generals are currently suing in Supreme Court to repeal the affordable care act that provides millions of Americans with health insurance.
With the repeal of the Affordable Care Act millions of Americans would lose their coverage for many different preexisting conditions such as diabites. The loss of health insurance during this Covid19 pandemic seems especially cruel, infeeling and unwise,especially when you consider some of the serious long term effects on the heart, liver and lungs ofCovid19 many become preexisting conditions.
It has often said by others who report on GOP poletics people should pay attention to what Republicans do, not what they say. The Republican party has tried and failed eight times to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Republicans have been promising for all this time that they will replace it with something better. But they have never come up with anything.They have not put forward a plan for their replacement for people to compare the two plans to see if what they propose is truely better.
Trump says he has a beautiful plan ready.However although he has repeatedly promised it he has never produced it in the almost 4 years of his administration.
When questioned by American citizens at a recent telivised townhall meeting about continued insurance and coverage for prexisting conditions he avoided answering.
These were American citizens who were concerned about their continued insurance coverage and coverage for prexisting conditions.
You would think, especially in an election year, so closeto the election Trump would have something but he and the Republican party does not.
Concerns have been raised that Barrett’s ties to this religious group will affect her views on the Supreme Court.
No one can claim that Trump didn’t know Barett’s background or her views.Trump chose her for consideration to the court before Bret in 2018. There were concerns expressed back then. As Senator Diane Feinstein told Barett, ” The dogma lives largely within you.”
Trump, who doesn’t go to church has no regard for religion.What he does care about is appealing to his base and winning reelection. It is about him -its always about what he views as in his own best interests.
It doesn’t matter to him if he has to throw hundreds of millions of Americans off their health insurance.It doesn’t matter to him if hundreds of thousands of Americans with preexisting conditions will be left without protection.
It doesn’t matter to Trump if the ravages of COVID-19 and long prexisting conditions without any of the protections provided by the Affordable Care Act will be rippte away rom millions of Americans.All that matters is he is reelected.
Once Trump secures his second and final term what further need will he have to try to satisfy the needs of any Americans.
You may be an evangelical who feels Trump is doing his or her will. However what happens if he wins, the election is over, he no longer has any need for you and throws you under the bus as he has done to thousands of hard working Americans who have worked on his projects such as the casinos in Atlantic city and then refused to pay them. Will he through you under the bus as he has done to many of his own appointees if they disagreed with him. You serve his purpose now before the election but what happens when Trump no longer needs you?