Our system of government was never intended to be a democracy. Although many believe that we live in one, they have never been asked to vote on the decisions made by said government. Yet they...
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Many people think America is governed by a democracy, but is it really? We talked with Ben Swann and he points out that America's government is actually a republic. What's the difference between...
This is pretty stupid.
Communism describes a stateless and classless society.
How the fuck should communism mean total gov.? O.o
How the fuck does a republic “limit government power” if the People can’t
overrule it?
That’s mentally delusional “magical thinking,” and it shows why we’re so
fucked up in America– i.e. the government does whatever it wants, and
claims it’s “following the Constitution.” Meanwhile the candidates on both
sides claim to fix it, but they just kick back money to the biggest
Anarchy doesn’t mean anomy -it’s order without rule, not chaos.
What the fuck? This video is fucking nonsense O.o
Republic vs Democracy: http://youtu.be/KFXuGIpsdE0
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” ~ Socrates
Consider the following pattern:
Someone posts a political video here on YouTube that is pro-right in
nature. Then the leftists post comments that deny its’ truthfulness without
bothering to provide an explanation for how/why it isn’t factually
accurate; but they do include plenty of name calling directed at both the
video and its’ producer. And it doesn’t stop there. If anyone dares to
reply to a leftist’s comment in a way that indicates agreement with the
video and/or asks for a logical, fact-based argument for how/why the video
is erroneous the leftists respond by calling them names as well. The above
quote from Socrates explains why this pattern exists.
This is idiotic. If the People don’t consent to a republic, then it’s an
oligarchy; and if they DO consent, then it’s a democracy– a democracy
which simply CHOOSES a republic as their form of government, but has the
power to OVERRULE it if they want.
How much simpler could it be?
As for the word “democracy” appearing in the Declaration of Independence,
it’s quite clear from the words “governments are established among men,
deriving their just powers from consent of the governed… it is the right
of the People to alter or abolish it, and elect new government.”
And the Constitution was an international compact among the states,
ADOPTED by majority vote among the People of each state; meanwhile the
states are OWNED by their respective Peoples!
These obtuse statists will never learn; they fancy a “republic” as a
corporate abstract with a mind of its own, which magically keeps the
government from violating its rules– “because the Constitution SAYS so!”
But can anyone TRULY be that stupid– that naive?
I think not… rather, I believe that underlying this hatred of democracy–
for the right of the People to simply APPROVE of their own government,
rather than be ruled by force by a self-appointed elite minority– is
simply an elitist conceit that the People are UNFIT to consent to their
government, and that only the self-appointed elite know what’s good for the
rest of us…. whether we like it or not..
And it doesn’t work that way; if the People don’t agree to their
government, then they are SLAVES to it.
Simple as that.
As such, it wasn’t “plenty” that caused the fall of the Roman Republic; by
“the people forgetting what freedom was;” it was the fact that the People
had no power to OVERRULE the Republic, and thus corruption was able to take
over by special-interest lobbies… .just as they do now.
Ever since the Lincoln administration likewise overthrew democracy, the US
has likewise become a global empire, in which lobbyists controlled policy,
thus bankrupting the economy and expanding outward through war in the name
of the “Pax Romana” of “liberating the world from barbarism–” or as we
put it now, “American exceptionalism” of “making the world safe for
This video demonstrates the types of brain-dead falsehoods that rationalize
the fundamental problems with the American system– and the absurd
conclusion that it can be cured by simply “voting for the right people,”
rather than OVERRULING them by popular vote.
There are much too many takers in America now. All in line for the lavish
promises made to them by their politicians who borrow from the future in
order to deliver. Debt and deficits equal taxes — the taxes are just
deferred to the unborn children. When the rest of the world realizes that
we can only monitize our debt to pay them back, the house of cards will
collapse. Curious to know who our leaders will blame for America’s demise
in the hope of fueling Nationalism like Hitler did.
Democracy is a fitting term for Americans these days. It applies to a
concurred people. America wasn’t concurred by an army with guns. It was
concurred by an army of pencil pushers and bankers. And that is also why we
have to bring Democracy to other countries. The parasite thieves are not
satisfied with the power and wealth they have stolen from people so far.
They want it all, and the power to make everyone do as they say.
There is a monster from the group of evil systems that is still ruling . .
. the fck* Fidel Castro.
This video was produced by right-wing charlatans. Nazism and fascism are
left wing? On what planet? Any and all credibility in this video was out
the window and removed from reality during the first 2 minutes. This is
nothing more than lunatic Tea Party ideologies and exemplifies their
ridiculous and imaginary historical explanation of lies.
Fascism (the Nazis were fascist) is a joining of corporations and
government, without consequence, accountability, or responsibility. The
German people attempted to drag the factory owners and the corporate
executives out into the street to lynch them after World War II (because
the people finally realized the oligarchy and the religiously mind poisoned
allowed the destruction of their country). A few remaining police and/or
MPs saved some of their radical, sorry butt’s from being hung or shot but
many were rightfully destroyed (but not enough).
Only low-grade, sheep-like imbeciles would fall for this sorry, idiotic,
right wing film and it’s asinine explanations. This is a warped, imaginary
history that sounds like something Sara Palin, Michele Bachmann, Paul Ryan
or other dishonest financial charlatans would promote to keep people
stupid. Notice how these same charlatans meld their nonsense with religious
mind poison to promote the ultimate but imaginary master/slave relationship
and archaic blood sacrifices? It’s complete bullshit designed to herd sheep
that welcome wishful thinking gibberish.
Here’s a much easier way to explain today’s oligarchy, fascist nonsense:
Play the game of Monopoly with 3 other friends, but start out with these
simple but factual rules: Player 1 (representing the oligarchy) gets all
the property and 90% of the money, Player 2 (representing the charlatan
politicians — the oligarchy’s minions) gets the railroads and the
remaining 10% of the money. Player 3 (representing the upper middle class
and religious charlatans — the top 2%) gets the utilities but no money.
You (representing the working class, the poor and everyone else) get
nothing. See how long it takes for player 1 to win the game!
The idea you put forth on anarchy is complete rubbish. Doesn’t matter the
form of government you put in place, its always slavery. People of like
minds can live peacefully in a community without dictatorship or threats of
violence. Doesn’t matter who wishes to lead, having a person on top takes
power from a well informed person to go about his life.
Native Americans and other native tribes furnished in small tribe/large
family units with little law other then natural law and a non aggression
Even when faced with threats the didn’t need to fall in rank to defend
themselves. Every one who was responsible for defense knew the tactics to
warfare and would fight without a jack ass with a bugle sounding charge.
Crime would lower dramatically because people would naturally find a hole
that needs filling, and would feel the value of labor with trade in a truly
free market.
Anarchy is not chaos, it is not violence, it is not being untrustworthy.
Anarchy is freedom based in peace, self worth, and community.
Government grows, spends, forces you to divide your hard work for a greater
good. Bull shit. Taxation is wrong im all cases. And not necessary in
todays open source world.
Ive traded labor for goods, labor for labor, goods for labor. And without a
government to suppress individuals to express genius and inventiveness then
we would all soon flourish.
We could run cars on water in the early 90s
We can power every house in America for free with tidal energy. Hell in
early 1900s a patent was filed for a 100,000 hour light bulb. And it wasn’t
filled with the toxic waste we have today.
Democracy, republic, capitalism, communism, fascism, any-ism all ideas
1000s of years old.
Your telling me we haven’t yet had a better idea? Or are you still stuck in
platos cave watching the shadows on the wall reading the Republic?
Democracy is unproductive
Progress is weakened by constant bickering between ideologies
Philly Studmuffin you are a complete idiot. The description you give of
Nazis is nothing like the ‘lunatic right wing’ in this country. Since when
does the ‘tea party’ want ‘corporations and government to join’? The
whole movement is about limiting government and getting them out of
corporations way. Therefore the only actual argument you made in your
retarded yet long comment is completely ridiculous. About the rest of the
video, can you explain how it doesnt make sense or are you just going to
say it was full of ‘right wing asenine arguments’ when in fact it made
total logical sense. Lets hear your logical facts to refute their claims.
Oh wait, you disabled replies to your comment because youre too stupid to
defend your stupidly biased opinions. This country was created to be a
democratic republic for very logical reasons and idiots like you have given
more and more power to government and we’re on our way to ruin just like
If anyone ever says “America is a Democracy”, disagree with them. It isn’t.
Or, more properly, it isn’t SUPPOSED to be. The more it becomes a
Democracy, the less it is what it was designed to be, which is a Republic.
But what’s the difference? A Republic limits the power of government to
promote liberty of the people, through a body of law that is not subject to
the whims of the majority. Attempts by the corrupt or the power-hungry to
upset this system in favor of a more “majority rules” type of government in
actuality is creating a transitional stage towards an oligarchy. The same
is true of those who want to “do away with” government, because nature
abhors a vacuum, and what will move in is invariably, once again, an
This video explains each form and how they mutate, and why all that truly
exists are oligarchies and republics as durable states, and why we want one
and not the other.
We have a Republic…if we can keep it.
i see it now.
Democracy is when a bunch of lambs elect wolves to rule them.
Philly doesn’t know that NAZI means National Socialism. How ignorant this
man is ?.
The left and right dichotomy is not a one dimensional line that
demonstrates the size of government. It has to do with economics, social
issues is an entirely different line. Therefore a capitalist, free market
dictatorship is actually authoritarian right and a communist restricted
market is authoritarian left.
Please everyone, Hong Kong is starting campaign of Democracy against
Beijing direct rules. Feel free to leave comment and support us. FIGHT FOR
American Revolution
If you don’t realize that we are a Republic and always have been… you’ve
never read the Constitution.
Article IV, Section 4 – Republican Government
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican
form of Government.
Awesome, awesome video.
This should be required watching before voting, as a matter of fact, this
should just be playing on loop outside all polling places.
democracy nowadays looks like an old and overused WHORE wearing a wedding
dress, but only because client has ordered role playing games and she is
being protected by the biggest pimp of our time – the west (USA, UK)
United States is a mistake from the very beginning of the creation.
terrorist system built by the Jews if the US will not be on the ground
there will be peace and prosperity.
So, the only real democracy is Switzerland ?? Because we can vote on how
high our taxes are, for what these taxes are used and how much of it is
used. Of course our pure democracy has also a dark side, like laws on
foreneigners etc.
Democracy is an utopian idea, created as the universal reason and
justification for any of your action. It’s very close to another utopian
idea “communism”. Democracy is when everybody have the same rights. This is
simply impossible. Some homeless one will never have the same rights as the
elites. Communism is when everybody is equal and when you give to the
society what you can and take back what you want. It’s clearly seen that
everybody would decide to take back more than he can give. Any utopian idea
like “democracy” works because of the human’s desire for freebie. Lots of
people were killed for the sake of both communism and democracy. In the
middle ages lots of people were burnt in fire during the inquisition for
the idea of christian love and brotherhood. This is a kind of perversion.
All this is simply capitalizing on our instincts.
It’s time for America to evolve from a republic to a democracy! Power to
the people!
America is suppose to be a Republic
but our education system & main stream media, brainwashes to thinking this
is a democracy
When in truth America has become an Oligarchy
Brilliant video. Some basic civic truths need to be re-asserted from time
to time. The only thing missing from this video is the fact : Not EVERYONE
was allowed to vote in an Authentic Democracy; only those with ‘civic
education’ , or the intellectually elite. Meaning, you had to have a decent
education. You couldn’t be ‘voter’ if you were some uneducated rancher in
Texas chanting “Bomb all the brown people!”.
Ive been brainwashed by my history teacher then ….
Everyone in Greece could vote? Umm…Only adult males could vote. Not
everyone. And Athens is not all of Greece.
America is not a democracy, nor it is a republic. It is just oligarchy. To
be more precise, it is a financial oligarchy. That’s what it is. More than
that, in our days America is a militaristic tyranny.
Does anybody know if the US has ever been a democracy? I know that the US
isn’t a democracy today but has it ever been one?
democracy is 3 sheep and a wolf figuring out who to have a dinner. we live
in a constitutional republic and whether you like it or not we still have
USA is not a democracy. its a parlamentary dictatorship like germany or
france or britain too. in the whole world there is only one democratic
nation. and that is swiss.
It’s a corporatocracy
how do u guys make that kind of videos….?????that type of
animation….??can u tell me the name of the software u use for making
This is one of the many reasons I can’t take libertarians seriously. When
someone says “America is a democracy”, do you really think they mean it is
a direct democracy without a rule of law or constitution to limit state
power? Why use this straw man? Constitutional republics, along with
constitutional monarchies, are forms of liberal democracy. Using quotes
from founding fathers 300 years ago is pointless when the connotation
behind democracy has changed since then.
a Democracy is four people sitting around a room, three pedophiles and a
parent voting on the age of consent. America was founded as a Republican
not a mob rule democracy
Actually if you look at what original Republics were is very similar and
yes America does lean towards a republic however we do as Americans have
more influence because we vote EVERYBODY in as opposed to original
republics where you only vote one facet in and the people in that voted in
section would create a chain of voting where they voted each other into
office. So America has a reformed republic which leans more to democratic
influence. HOWEVER not all republics are run with a constitution or a bill
of rights either, many republics are not restrained by paperwork that was
written long ago as America is.
In the end of all this discussion, America is neither a democracy nor a
complete republic and is yet controlled ultimately by a constitution…
Thus we as Americans ACTUALLY have what is known as a ” Constitutional
Democratic Republic”
Another point to add – We only have two parties and other countries have
other parties like Canada, we are restricted and forced to vote for either
the two that is closest to our ideals
The Western fake “democracies” are Plutocratic Aristocracies, elections
enable oligarchy, factions of the wealthy jockey for power while supporting
the media coverage and campaigns finance(bribery) of one side or both
sides, while the people are dumbed down to take the role of spectators in a
theatre ritual that is the election spectacle. It is NOT a system of/by/for
the People but of/by/for the Elites, that is Aristocracy. We elect Corrupt
Aristocrats. Bankers and Corrupt Aristocrats dont want real democracy where
the people decide, of course, what would you expect? they are not going to
say Democracy is best and thats why you hear anti-democratic rhetoric like
“mob-rule” in the education system and media which they influence, thats
like the Foxes telling the Hens that the few Foxes should decide on the
rules, they have the expertise, otherwise its mob rules so the Hens should
not decide what the rules of the Hen House is. Dictators, Fascists,
Monarchs, NeoFeudal Barons, Warlords and Mobsters will all tell you that
democracy is bad, its mob rule, its 2 wolves and a sheep voting on whats
for dinner, of course they will tell you that a few should decide.
“Rule of Law” is sophistry, Laws dont fall down from the sky, men make
them, in a non democracy a small group makes laws that benefit them or
their plutocratic patrons, and the majority not only dont vote but dont
even have a Say, often out of any debate any discussions, the few impose
unilaterally hte law without even discussions with the people, and the paid
politicians are in a conflict of interest. Rule of Law to justify
non-democratic system that benefits the 1%, is as phoney as the Divine
right of Kings, the King is right, sure he is, Bankers should be given
trillions, war profiteering wars should be waged, State(supposedly of
by/for/the people) secrets should be kept secret from the very People(!?!),
after all its the magical Rule of Law, its not like laws are drawn by men
who also by coincidence choose those that benefit politicians, oh no, its
an emanation that magically appears, laws are not made by men but
transmogrified out of nothing.
And Money is created as credit, its not like its Bankers that have pushed
for fractional reserve banking, usury and interest paid on credit made out
of nothing and a privately owned Federal Reserve should benefit them, no,
its all laws that came out of the blue, not by paid politicians…
A real democracy is Not perfect, it will have this and that problem which
could be fixed or mitigated along the way, but it is better than Elective
Aristocracy that benefits the 1%.
LOL, USA is a Democracy? USA is a real humanist state! It has no
bloodthirst! It has no greedy purposes! It never incites sectarian wars to
make reasons to invade! USA is not a pawn of international business
organizations! Wherever USA touched it did not get worse! It does not put
its people under modern slavery! Humanism=ERROR 404 for USA
The US is a Democratic Republic. Get your facts straight!
America isn’t a democracy nor a republic it is an OLIGARCHY. An OLIGARCHY
is the rule of the 1%.
I think a republic/oligarchy is the worst. All republics are Oligarchies. A
democracy is the Rule of the people who know what is actually going on
instead of wanting more money like the average politician.
I disagree with democracy because it’s based on he belief that the majority
has better judgement although that may not be true.I also disagree with the
republic system because it’s based on the belief that a few people should
rule many and gives the illusion of choice.