Donald Trump promised his followers that he would "drain the swamp" in Washington of lobbyists and Wall Street. Instead of draining it he has flooded the swamp with lobbiests, billionaires and rich corporate CEO's that are accountable to him. You can read about Four Ways Goldman Sachs Will Wreck America From Inside The White House by clicking on the link to read the full story. In addition to wanting his picks to sail through to approval without ethics review he has also banned some of his departments like the EPA, Food and Drug, and Health from talking to anyone. This is the first step to dictatorship and censorship. This is the tactic Putin, who was once a KGB agent, uses to prevent Russian citizens from having access to any news, information or even performance he doesn't approve of.
Goldman Sachs has been convicted of criminal activity, they have paid almost 9 billion in fines. Yet Donald Trump continues to appoint Goldman Sachs Executives.
In another example of Donald Trump, the Con Man who has conned his followers and is attempting to con America, we have heard his call to bring Jobs back to the US.
Goldman Sachs is one of the biggest apostles of offshoring. It has made a business of promoting and training offshoring. It created a model city, the Embassy Golf Links Business Park for offshoring in Bangelore, India. There are over 6,000 Goldman Sachs jobs there. IBM, Yahoo and Microsoft are also there and with them the 43,000 jobs that use to be filled by US workers on US soil.
Currently, Goldman Sachs is teaching the world how to move white-collar service jobs from high-wage to low-wage areas.
The primary architect of the Goldman Sachs strategy to move as many US jobs to India as it can is none other than Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs president who will head Trump's National Economic Council.
Of course don't expect to see any regulation of the financial industry with Goldman Sachs executives filling Trumps team of advisers.
I heard a news broadcast this morning that CEO's and Wall Street are celebrating. They complain that their voices haven't been heard in the past 8 years with Obama. Can you imagine that - the architects of the financial meltdown and past bubbles the American taxpayer paid billions of dollars to bail them out are complaining their voices haven't been heard.
What Trump voter voted for Trump because he felt Wall Street and the CEO's haven't been heard?