An awesome video with my thoughts about Democracy and what it means to me.
Dan Zimmermansays
As the original creator of the video, I’d like to say to all the haters
that this video was originally created to fulfill a small assignment for a
class. It’s intended audience is for elementary age students and is
generally focused on my thoughts about democracy. Take it for what it’s
worth to you.
You should be put into jail for trying to instill lies into children’s
minds. What you’re doing is the definition of Brain-washing. This country
is not A Democracy, the word Democracy isn’t even mentioned in The Bill of
Rights, The Constitution, or The Declaration of Independence.
Democracy nowadays looks like an old and overused WHORE wearing a wedding
dress, but only because client has ordered role playing games and she is
being protected by the biggest pimp of our time – the west (USA, UK)
I flagged this as misleading. It’s dangerous that this the first thing that
comes up when you search the term ‘democracy’. Talk about manipulation of
A Republic following the rules set forth in our Constitution are what
respects every individuals opinion. A Democracy means the majority can
diminish the rights of a minority.
I thought that democracy was solely about relinquishing your right to
choose, abandoning it to an elite group of professional politicians,
usually lawyers or bankers, claiming to represent the people. But hey,
that’s only me.
There is no democracy for the UK while we are still in the corrupt EU.
Reading Belfast Telegraph today 15/11/14 —Charlie Flanagan the republics
foreign affairs minister urges the UK to stay in EU. He says IF NOT it will
pull countries apart (speaking mainly about north and south Ire) He says
the Irish are dismayed at the prospect of UK going it alone. I would like
to inform him (if anybody could get a message to him) that the UK never
intended to go it alone–they thought (silly them) that they were joining a
free trade club (which has turned out to be lies) and they have been fed
lies ever since. He says that the UK’s continued membership of the EU is
hugely important to us (republic) there is to much at stake to remain on
the sidelines (more lies). What I suspect he means is–we want you to stay
in in case we need another bail out. People like Charlie Flanagan make me
hope that we get out of this corrupt union asap. Please for the sake of
democracy and freedom for future generations vote UKIP
Democracy is also known as a pointless waste of time. The only real way to
exist is with absolute authority. All this modern yank nonsense about
freedom and tolerance needs to go right where it belongs – in the BIN. No
one deserves any “freedom”, everyone is a slave to the state – everyone
deserves and needs to be crushed and steam-rolled into submission and
obedience. And that is exactly what we will provide them.
Democracy can be as it is described ” You voice, your choice, it’s up to
you”, but if you’re the minority, your ideal becomes the opposite to
complain the majority. However, I think that’s correct, because our life
usually has ups/downs as well as your vote can be one of the directions the
world wants to go, earlier or later. Democracy may take time to go to the
ideal, much more than any dictatorship or any other idealistic regime. But
the important think is that the time will come likewise the best time of
life, and without democracy you don’t have it as normal citizen and just
follow the policy of top leaders that they can do things you don’t know,
never to be disclosed /discovered, as it’s going to their tombs forever and
could be a sad part of the history we know. Looks childish what I mentioned
as above, but many people in the world are not really knowing what’s
democracy, unfortunately. Many people think those changes never happen in
lifetime because of democratic votes, and well, I had 3 times the big world
changes and I want to say, democracy exists to anybody if he/she
understands what it really means.
People, individuals, being heard? By whom? By politicians, who are the ones
who are the ones who really have the power?
Once they are in office they don’t need to listen to anyone. And everyone
can impossibly get their voices heard by anyone. You are diminished to
meaningless statistics that missrepresents reality to the advantage of this
privileged caste of politicians.
Please everyone, Hong Kong is starting campaign of Democracy against
Beijing direct rules. Feel free to leave comment and support us. FIGHT FOR
pathetic description. this lame sheepish description is exactly why the
world is screwed by sociopathic politicians.. way too soft. .delete this
nonsense.. please.. and if you think kids need to learn this then you are
sadly underinforming them..
As the original creator of the video, I’d like to say to all the haters
that this video was originally created to fulfill a small assignment for a
class. It’s intended audience is for elementary age students and is
generally focused on my thoughts about democracy. Take it for what it’s
worth to you.
Democracy only works for rich people
You should be put into jail for trying to instill lies into children’s
minds. What you’re doing is the definition of Brain-washing. This country
is not A Democracy, the word Democracy isn’t even mentioned in The Bill of
Rights, The Constitution, or The Declaration of Independence.
It’s time for America to evolve from a constitutional republic to a real
democracy. Impeach Obama!
Democracy nowadays looks like an old and overused WHORE wearing a wedding
dress, but only because client has ordered role playing games and she is
being protected by the biggest pimp of our time – the west (USA, UK)
I flagged this as misleading. It’s dangerous that this the first thing that
comes up when you search the term ‘democracy’. Talk about manipulation of
A Republic following the rules set forth in our Constitution are what
respects every individuals opinion. A Democracy means the majority can
diminish the rights of a minority.
Call it hypocrocy
I thought that democracy was solely about relinquishing your right to
choose, abandoning it to an elite group of professional politicians,
usually lawyers or bankers, claiming to represent the people. But hey,
that’s only me.
@Dan Zimmerman, do you always call those who are right “haters” ? I think
you need to check your definition of Democracy.
There is no democracy for the UK while we are still in the corrupt EU.
Reading Belfast Telegraph today 15/11/14 —Charlie Flanagan the republics
foreign affairs minister urges the UK to stay in EU. He says IF NOT it will
pull countries apart (speaking mainly about north and south Ire) He says
the Irish are dismayed at the prospect of UK going it alone. I would like
to inform him (if anybody could get a message to him) that the UK never
intended to go it alone–they thought (silly them) that they were joining a
free trade club (which has turned out to be lies) and they have been fed
lies ever since. He says that the UK’s continued membership of the EU is
hugely important to us (republic) there is to much at stake to remain on
the sidelines (more lies). What I suspect he means is–we want you to stay
in in case we need another bail out. People like Charlie Flanagan make me
hope that we get out of this corrupt union asap. Please for the sake of
democracy and freedom for future generations vote UKIP
Im a hater of this video coz demoracy is made to be democracy
Democracy is also known as a pointless waste of time. The only real way to
exist is with absolute authority. All this modern yank nonsense about
freedom and tolerance needs to go right where it belongs – in the BIN. No
one deserves any “freedom”, everyone is a slave to the state – everyone
deserves and needs to be crushed and steam-rolled into submission and
obedience. And that is exactly what we will provide them.
Democracy can be as it is described ” You voice, your choice, it’s up to
you”, but if you’re the minority, your ideal becomes the opposite to
complain the majority. However, I think that’s correct, because our life
usually has ups/downs as well as your vote can be one of the directions the
world wants to go, earlier or later. Democracy may take time to go to the
ideal, much more than any dictatorship or any other idealistic regime. But
the important think is that the time will come likewise the best time of
life, and without democracy you don’t have it as normal citizen and just
follow the policy of top leaders that they can do things you don’t know,
never to be disclosed /discovered, as it’s going to their tombs forever and
could be a sad part of the history we know. Looks childish what I mentioned
as above, but many people in the world are not really knowing what’s
democracy, unfortunately. Many people think those changes never happen in
lifetime because of democratic votes, and well, I had 3 times the big world
changes and I want to say, democracy exists to anybody if he/she
understands what it really means.
Why would u put this on the internet
People, individuals, being heard? By whom? By politicians, who are the ones
who are the ones who really have the power?
Once they are in office they don’t need to listen to anyone. And everyone
can impossibly get their voices heard by anyone. You are diminished to
meaningless statistics that missrepresents reality to the advantage of this
privileged caste of politicians.
If democracy is “rule of the people” or “governing by the people” then
america is CERTAINLY NOT a democracy
Wow im a kid and i even have more subs than u
Please everyone, Hong Kong is starting campaign of Democracy against
Beijing direct rules. Feel free to leave comment and support us. FIGHT FOR
Democracy is a tree which is abundantly watered the blood
I love this
pathetic description. this lame sheepish description is exactly why the
world is screwed by sociopathic politicians.. way too soft. .delete this
nonsense.. please.. and if you think kids need to learn this then you are
sadly underinforming them..