Economist Paul Krugman explains how the United States is becoming an oligarchy - the very system our founders revolted against. Visit the Bill Moyers site to...
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(July 20, 2012) There are forgotten corners of this country where Americans are trapped in endless cycles of poverty, powerlessness, and despair as a direct ...
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Paul Krugman is not an economist. I refuse to acknowledge him as such. Just
as I would refuse to acknowledge someone who insists that ailments like
cancer or diabetes are caused by angry evil spirits invading the bodies of
the sick as a “physician,” I likewise refuse to refer to Krugman, who
believes that markets are inherently self-destructive & can only be saved
by the mystical powers of government & central bank printing presses, as an
Americans are slaves. They get paid slaves wages AND they carry the fucking
weight by getting taxed on their labor. We need a tax rate of 90% on
corporation the way it was in the 1950’s.
Somebody among the wealthy read George Orwell’s novel of hideous dystopia,
1984, (in which Orwell was actually talking about England in 1948) and
thought “What a good idea! Let’s do this in America!!!” But it has only
continued to become worse, as we now have a level of surveillance of the
general population which Orwell could only dream about, or rather, have
nightmares about.
The super wealthy 1% includes the biggest corporations who don’t pay their
taxes but instead receive government handouts of your hard earned tax
dollars, and mine, amounting to billions of dollars every single year.
Known as Welfare for the Rich or Corporate Welfare. See they don’t like
it when poor people get taken care of by government, and for pitiful small
amounts — and every penny of that is overseen by a social worker. But they
love it when government bails THEM out for BIG BUCK$. (I have been in the
board rooms and the offices of the biggest corporate CEO’s and I’ll say
without hesitation from personal experience, that what I have seen is
nothing but a bunch of pigs and liars.) That strategy of corporations
taking their annual gifts from Congress is called Privatizing Profits and
Socializing Losses. I just bought my copy of Piketty’s Capital in the 21st
Century. I get it that it’s too important a book not to read all 700
pages. If we don’t stop it now, right now, we will find ourselves right
back in the 17th Century with a new aristocracy trampling everybody who is
not a billionaire.
I love the IRONY of the assholes here defending Paris-Hilton billionaires,
crying an end to “Death Taxes” and “socialism”. They will fight for people
who think them slaves… and fittingly, they do it for free. All for the
delusion of one day being among them 🙁 sigh
Isn’t it wonderful when the Federal government decides that you have too
much money, so they take it from you. You don’t deserve to have your
money, we need it, we want it, we’ll take it from you by force. We know
better than you what to do with your money. Forget the fact that we the
Federal government cannot balance a budget, over spend by 40% year after
year, and is 17 Trillion dollars in debt.
Does it make any sense at all to blame the ails of a Hispanic couple who
pushed out four children before they secured good enough wages to house,
feed, and educate them on the society they burdened? “Disparity”? Bullshit.
Do we not honor responsibility of adults to make proper and intelligent
decisions? Stop giving them everything for free(welfare, housing
assistance, medical, education). Who’s greedy in this picture? Who has no
respect for society as a whole and is only thinking about having the rest
pay their way? Victims? Bullshit. Give them free birth control first and
curb the problem at its .source
I don’t give a shit what the 1% don’t want me to know. I am not a jealous
liberal. I don’t care how much money they have. I dont care where they hide
it, its theirs they can do whatever they please with it. I don’t want their
money, I don’t want it redistributed to me. I don’t have any resentment
towards the rich. I don’t think they should pay their ‘fair share’. Imagine
how burdensome being a liberal us. Living life in a perpetual state of
jealousy, hate, resentment, envy, and contempt. Always thinking people are
the enemy. Always coveting everyone else’s stuff. Begging for higher
taxes-unless it affects them. Etc etc etc
When the super wealthy use mechanisms like charitable trusts to support
their lifestyle, current policy and “progressive” suggested policy will do
nothing to change the 1% situation or the .001% situation (we really need
to focus on the later) it’s not the millionaires who are fixing the game it
is the billionaires.
The self made millionaires are usually the ones creating jobs. Well those
making between 80,000 and 1,000,000 through their own ingenuity. I say this
because I’ve worked for the both the millionaire and the billionaire. The
millionaire is figuring out how to grow the economy as a consequence of
lining his own pocket, and the billionaire is figuring out how to weaken it
as a consequence of lining his own pocket.
This, of course, is a general statement.
Krugman is another disinfo agent. Just like Obama he uses popular views to
Trojan in more Police State Nazi bullshit laws like the NDAA, National
Security Act, Agenda 21, etc. Obama told all the right lies until he was in
office, then betrayed us. People who tell the truth who are not agents are
either killed or hiding like Assange and Snowden.
The Central Bank, (BofE), “Capitalism” was the invention of Charles
Montague, in 1694. The aim was to acrue all the power and wealth, and kept
it in the hands of a few. The other objective was to control everything and
every one with a system of debt and phoney money. Think the inheritors of
the system, the Rothschilds, did quite well, out of it .!!!
Equity is subjective, Efficiency is objective. You will learn this first in
any economics class. Funny how so many people act as if social sciences do
not have laws, or overly proven theories. Economics is more law-based than
physics. Religion doesn’t belong in economics. People that distrust
sciences belong to religion. Obviously there’s many theories that can’t be
proven yet, like Relativity, Evolution, and Gravity, but its frustrating
when people act like its a 50-50 chance that they exist, and its all a
“matter of perspective”.
There is no perspectives in economics, only truth. That doesn’t mean that
someone has all the answers; It just means its not a religion that you can
argue literally 100% of econ from Natural rate of unemployment theory to
the law of diminishing returns. You learn things ceteris paribus because
obviously there’s room for general error in less-competitive markets, but
nearly all markets are rigorously (or potentially powerfully) competitive.
Its remarkably difficult to control a market without laws protecting it.
Its as if economists don’t care about people but their “country”. I have no
clue how monatarists are being called “idealistic” in the slightest.
Excellent article by $Billionaire Amazon investor Nick Hanauer. *”I see
“At the same time that people like you and me (the top 0.01%) are thriving
beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country—the
99.99 percent—is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and
have-nots is getting worse really, really fast.
“In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national
income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1
percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.
“But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is
intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that
inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day.
“Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a
feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class
will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the
Buyer beware, propaganda for a world tax and for people who don’t know
(surprise) the tax is aimed not at the rich but everyone else, of course
they’ll say its aimed at the rich and when that’s not enough and it never
is you’ll have to start emptying your pockets to the globalist. Pure
bullshit and for them to talk in a straight face about an up and coming
oligarchy or that wealth inheritance is something new is bologny, because
anyone with and ounce of history education knows its been going on for
ever. They state that a large segment of society doesn’t know this info is
true because the education and cultural system have been dumbing down the
people for 80 years or better. Beware of the propaganda!
Good program long on problem s short on solutions but understandably the
program was just saying we need to tax the 1% . This needs to be fixed but
it don’t look good. Too many people go home and hug their guns calling
people communist and thinking Mexicans are taking over or getting high on
video games and drugs. Sad state of affairs.
Why are people so surprised at this. Look at Feudal times. The KIng and
Queen had 99.9% of the wealth
The peasants didn’t even own land and surrendered 90% of their crops as
rent. Times may not be perfect
but they are much better. Paul Krugman is part of the 1% because I’m sure
he earns over 100k a year.
Why doesn’t he just give his money away. Because we are all the same, we
want to keep what we earn.
Wether we work hard for it or not…we still want to keep it. Human nature
is what needs to change. But
that I’m afraid is highly unlikely.
Marx explains that a capitalist mode of production leads to hideous
economic inequality and oligarchical rule over society – gets blamed for
Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al.
Picketty writes a book displaying that this has happened (whilst
simultaneously criticising Marx) – cherished and revered for it.
Austrian economics, like most other radical trends and dogmas, has found a
very wide reception on the internet. This allure perhaps responds to its
theory’s simple and effective way of communicating ideas to the average
person not well versed in economics, sociology, history, ethics. Its
simplicity is what attracts most of its fans. Your average libertarian is
american, young, dogmatic, naive, inexperienced, ignorant of geopolitics.
jesus christ people if you tax the rich more all that your going to see is
them coming up with some way to avoid it or reduce it to nothing
all that will happen is the middle class will be further taxed because you
know they don’t have the same resourses. so many people cry booo hooo the
rich are evil ecetera ecetera, bullshit most people just fail to educate
themselves and what these people try to do is steal from the rich as some
sort of robin hood and all that will happen is they will end up screwing
themselves. not saying the rich are good honest desent people well if there
are it is a small minority comparitively, but that doesn’t matter they are
rich or stay rich because of the education they have which is vastly
different than the education the lay person gets.
@spaceorbison- funny thing, back when corporations did pay large taxes,
they STILL paid union workers WELL, and made a PROFIT! Today the GOP and
sadly quite a few Democrats are allowing the wealthy to control the U.S.
while allowing the rest to suffer and fall. Our democracy will FAIL when
the wealthy make the laws, meanwhile dumbass tea party drips yell about how
the rich are unfairly taxed, how the EPA should be disbanned, and whine
about nearly non existent gun bans…..
The vaunted economist explains that there is “always hope” of turning
things around. The way things are. If that isn’t a Pollyanna comment, I
don’t know what is. How do the peasants tell the king what to do??
Krugman is an establishment lackey and stooge. It is not doctors and
lawyers who have rigged the game (part of the supposedly ominous 1%). It’s
bank cartels, separate laws for the 0.01%, and disinformation agents like
this clown, who muddy the waters constantly. These 20 minute reads are FREE
and they CRUSH Krugman’s misinformation campaigns. EXHIBIT #1
yes! most people have no idea what real wealth looks like and they get
brainwashed by the elite’s plans to think that taking care of our society
is being an idiot when most are idiots because the elite use our taxes too
reinvest it and make even more money, we are their slaves!
Inherited wealth is only one part of the mess. Unlimited, uncontrolled
campaign donations have poisoned american politics and business beyond
repair. Unless, of course, the ignorant public wakes up one day and starts
electing some new and qualified people to represent them.
Also, this “legacy” crap in the education system allows alcoholic,
coke-addicted, C- losers like George W. Bush to get into college, not to
mention Yale and Harvard, while millions and millions of much more
qualified but less priveledged students can’t event afford their ways into
community colleges. That’s how unnecessary wars get started and huge
recessions are instigated. W. led by faith, not brains, because he doesn’t
have any.
In a real world, faith only gets you so far. The real world is
round, rotates once every 24 hours, is about 4.5 billion years old.
it matters not a whit that Cassius is mouthpiece for the trumpet of the
obscene wealthy. When the time comes, as it surely must, he too will feel
the blade of the Guillotine. All brutish stooges will meet the same fate as
their masters. I am Elie, come to perform my duty. I am relentless….and
well paid.
We talk about ‘equal opportunity’ a lot here in the USA. Like the game
“Monopoly” when we sit down and start the game, as of the first roll of the
dice we truly are all Equal. But if you are born today in the USA it’s
like being born after the ten thousandth roll of the dice. Being born
today thinking we have equal opportunity is no longer true…
Suppose you come to my home and we sit at the table and play a game of
Monopoly. After three hours let’s say I “win” and have 90% of all the
property and you don’t have the money to even roll the dice again because
you can’t pay the rent on the square you are on. What do we do now? Pick
up the pieces and put the Monopoly money away and go watch TV.
Instead, let’s say after I win that you MUST KEEP PLAYING for three
generations, 8 hours a day. Do you think your Grandkids could get the
money and property away from MY Grandkids? I bet it would be a LONG 100
years after that first afternoon and Generation after Generation would just
toil along. Welcome to America, would you like to play Monopoly??
its an important message for us to pay attention to
Well…. A.) Im a student, not a journalist. (Psych & Law) And B.) I wasnt
happy about having to change the settings to filter.. But, frankly, I was
not about to allow something I posted to become a forum for a bunch of
trolls to post hateful, inaccurate, logical fallacy ridden remarks which
are meant to distract or confuse the issue.. Which, unfortunately, is the
case w/o filters I’ve found. I try 2 be as fair & ethical as possible re:
what I approve vs. disapprove. More so then 2days media.
its an important message for us to pay attention to and its really bad you
are filtering comments. that makes you lose credibility as a journalist.
This is why I always hated Bill Moyers… he acts amazed, confused,
unclear. Any thinking person can see this stuff. I can’t tell if Moyers is
just such a fool, or if he is playing one to mimic most Americans, so they
will listen and learn. Nonetheless, I always hated that condescending
talking down at my level approach. Even when he was interviewing Joseph
Campbell… just frustrating.
people are responsible for what they say online, you’re not responsible for
what they say. As for people posting fallacies, the crowd generally weeds
them out. Give some credit to the intelligence of your audience, they dont
need you censoring on their behalf. They can hide/report comments. Anyway,
thanks again for posting this.
Well then thank you for helping to enlighten & educate others.. Lets all
keep on fighting the good fight! — Best wishes to you and those you love..
Cheers! 🙂