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Do corporations and the corporate and billionaire class control the state?
The state being: the military, the police, the courts and the government?
Do corporations and the billionaire class control these institutions? I’d
argue yes.
In a somewhat meaningful democracy the people would control the
government… but do the people control it? No. Of course not. Anyone with
their eyes open knows that.
Fascism was created to. Give more power to the elite by using the state.
Americans sadly do not get riled up enough to makea a real change. When the
economy goes under, the gop and their voters will have the proverbial blood
on their hand.
I love everything about this. Right on point.
So WHY are we still giving our consumer dollars to these fascist
billionaires? Boycott the big corporations! Don’t put your money in big
banks (try a credit union)!
Abolish Citizens United. Cut the corporate welfare at the Pentagon. Abolish
NSA mass surveillance & illegal drone warfare. Cut taxpayer-funded welfare
handouts to Big Oil. Audit the fed. Repeal the 2001 Bush tax cuts for the
rich. Drop Obamacare then enact universal single payer medicare for all.
FDR-style infrastructure investment to update derelict roads, bridges,
build renewable energy sources, create millions of jobs & stimulate
consumer spending. Warren/Sanders 2016.
“Corporations”, “Oligarchy”, “Plutocracy” are all euphemisms. Hartmann
doesn’t dare expose the real power structure in the USA today. He is a
typical Left-wing *GATEKEEPER*.
Two camps of extremists complaining that the other is extreme…how
You are one of the smartest people in the US mr. Hartmann. I admire you.
Wolf-Pac or Move to Amend.
I wonder what the world would be like today if Wallace had carried the vice
presidential nomination in ’44. He probably would of got assassinated
knowing how the American political system operates.
capitalism is the best system. the problem is that it is an economic system
not a political system. it is not a system of governance. and its not
perfect. adam smith even writes it is not perfect and needs regulation.
when the super rich fail, as they do, and then the poor bail them out,
thats not capitalism. the super rich will tout individualism all day long
but the fact is the only individuals are the poor while the super rich are
enormously well connected and unionized. its like a collective pack of
predators keeping their prey in individual stalls and when one cow stops
giving them milk they call it lazy and stop feeding it. when the cow is
like, this is some bullshit the other cows are like no you dont understand,
just make some more milk and perhaps the predators will let you out of your
stall so you can go graze in the open pasture.
What is your obsesion with the Koke bros.? You ignore the bankers (big
oil), the Rothchilds (George Soros), Holywood and the perpetual war mongers
who really spend our money. The Koke bros have a billion to spend on
politics? That is peanuts today. It’s not about progressives and
conservatives or dems and reps. These people play both sides. The people
you vote for are really bought off and now are just puppets for them. They
have more money than Jesus. They can buy anyone they want. It would be nice
if you could take off your democrat bifocals and look at the whole picture.
I guess davos wouldn’t agree with nick hanauer’s pitchforks coming for
plutocrats article
All About Fascism, Oligarchy & Plutocracy in America
It was Tim Berners-Lee who gave us www. at the Publicly funded CERN
Hmmm . interesting
After they’ve trashed USA, they’ll have to go somewhere else. Where?
Ukraine? Nowhere better than USA for them. Let them trash USA because they
can. After that they’ve nowhere to go either.
All About Fascism, Oligarchy & Plutocracy in America
Oh common, that’s not “the end of the democracy” because your democracy is
mostly about turf war between Bloods and Crips, and that is not going to
change, the show will go on!
Koch brothers do not aspire “to wrestle the power from the people”, they
only want to make the Jewish oligarch to give them some power that the
later keep totally to themselves and refuse to share. They want Soros,
Rothschilds, Rockefellers to give them the piece of power over Americans
that they believe is due! There is nothing new about it! That was going on
in the world at large for much longer that American “democracy” even
existed: new rich demanding their share of the power from the old rich!
P.S. Stop worrying about it, it’s totally beyond and above your level!
Really really interesting.