1- Intro 2- Rebirth 3- Erupt Pt 2 4-Time Portal 5- West Bay Policy.
A Brief History of Plutocracy This whistlestop re-telling of world economic history squeezes 12000 years of history into 18 slides. Its focus is the changing nature of money and the rise...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Good thing I possess the “Compilation” cd that gives you every ep + the
dank lp,hard to find on youtube although thank you for upload !
@joshgallman1 yep!
thanks dude
Implying vocals are more important than music. You fucking moron.
“We might not be back. I might be in jail, I might be anywhere…” – former
Illinois Black Panther Fred Hampton. “You spit in my face and smack me in
the mouth and throw me into solitary confinement for nothing, what do you
think’s gonna happen when I get outta here?” – Charles Manson “People come
up to me and they try to talk shit, man I was makin records while you were
suckin yo mothers dick” – Beastie Boys, “3-Minute Rule”. Not sure about the
The intro is the best part.
What are you gonna do today?……..Snipe some pigs I never understood how
he could do those evil sounding vocals in the background….pretty cool man
bay area california…west bay
Yes! I’m so glad someone uploaded this full album including West Bay
Policy! Thanx!
RIP Stinkweed
Ah and the one at the end of the second song is from Platoon.
does anyone know the samples?
The dope ass one at the beggining “Pigz dyin’, a bullet wound to the
chest…” is from a Geto Boys song called “Mind of A Lunatic”.
I remember Kalmex, Stinkweed and Billy used to jam down in my basement
before there was a Plutocracy. Little did I know at that time that it would
all come together the way it would. All four of us were the original
members of Plutocracy and we all were in Plutocracy at one time.
fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!! miss this shit so much so happy to have here!!!
This is the shit! i love the samples
thanx for posting this
the final sample sounds like Paul Baloff from Exodus, possibly from the
Double Live Dynamo shows.
johnny do u still have the sniping pigs shirt.
Please check out “Michael P – WMD” on YouTube, which is a 5 minute 12
second discussion of the current state of plutocracy (lyrics are in the
YouTube description).
*A Brief History of Plutocracy*
Economic history squeezed into 18 slides. Its focus is the changing nature
of money and the rise of the monied class in US and Europe.
It outlines how the modern system of banking was instituted, how
international organising allowed the power of the rich to gradually eclipse
that of national governments, how war was managed for profit, and how the
super-rich set about using the organs of the state in an effort to secure
their position of control.
H/T +S. Hennigan
*A Brief History of Plutocracy*
Economic history squeezed into 18 slides. Its focus is the changing nature
of money and the rise of the monied class in US and Europe.
It outlines how the modern system of banking was instituted, how
international organising allowed the power of the rich to gradually eclipse
that of national governments, how war was managed for profit, and how the
super-rich set about using the organs of the state in an effort to secure
their position of control.
H/T +S. Hennigan
The fellow’s question at the end was great.
This guy nails it in under 30 minutes, well done.
I still don’t think they’ll collapse the money system. A pea can be split
infinite times (i.e. fractional reserve can continue indefinitely), and if
the system collapses all the debt would disappear leaving them powerless.
That ain’t gonna happen. The system is based on the enforcement of Debt and
Title. Reform the money system and the world will be better off.
when a bank (company) wants to build a new bank (building) were it gets the
money from? … maybe it just make is own money??? (10010100 money???)
Excellent short summary. Well presented
Yes, a peaceful transition is possible, in theory. I don’t know that
society can overcome the corruption that keeps the present debt system in
save face and the rising suspicion of their very trade, by admitting that
the current monetary system is faulty and should be reformed. But it will
Never happen the way he sees it, we are all materialistics now, we could
never do without easy credit and corporate varieties. We love to decirate
our hampster wheels and prolong our slavery with false comforts. That is
why we are all doomed. I personally just desire information now, and
family. Family is so important in these times…
money – most successful brain hack ever !
I think he’s right when he sais that it’s not just a way of the world.. but
it is now just a way of our world, and we either have to fight it to the
end or give up nd stop caring because a seminar, or a book, or a youtue
video isnt gonna change anything.. It’s too damn late. What i find interest
tho, is that our leaders don’t even have to admit fault because it all
started 200 years ago so they can just blame our ancestors and then fix the
problem. Same thing with the bankers they could just..
I will collapse if no one borrows money, than government coins will take
over. People just need to not borrow and the feds money will become
worthless and the government minted coins will Increase in value.
This was excellant-I’ve often felt that as I investigate these subjects as
an adult I become very aware of the poor information I recieved in school.I
also agree with speaker in his conclusion to”Stop feeding it”.I have been
doing that for awhile.But I am also aware that so many people are in a
situation where that is not an option.I wish he had included some ideas
concerning this point.
Funny how people reject any viewpoint that differs from what they’ve been
programmed to think. It amazes me how aristocrats haven’t completely
controlled those who are brainwashed by this ‘monopolized’ system yet??