Video Rating: 4 / 5
For more information, please visit: founder John Williams points out that the Federal Reserve has suspended publication of M3 data (the data on the total money supply in the economy) and shows how it is currently expanding, leading to double-digit inflation.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Tom E Sankey says
Barry Mundy says
fuzzywzhe says
Oh god, the sound effects piss me off so much, I’d just rather read what
Williams said. Freaking hate Fox. Sound effects, wierd camera shots
contantly movinng, graphics all over the screen. It’s like watching a low
budget science fiction film without a plot of any sort.
Yasharahla Saint says
75,000,000 people … chew on those numbers ..
Michael McWilliams says
Mainstream media is also not releasing the the data about the turnover
rates. These “joke” jobs have literally a 95% turnover rate. Nobody can
even last the 3 months. Jobs need to stop firing people, harassing
employees, and discriminating. Can I get a loan from a bank to start suing?
I mean having to walk 20 miles in the rain to work everyday gets old. They
fire you because you stink then you explain your homeless. We need to sue.
Brabus says
why would u be all cash and liquid if youre predicting high inflation,
that’s retarded.
matchbox555 says
Agus Santoso says
i eat once a day to save money.
ShmuelSpade says
I find it interesting that they made mention of the fact that the money
isn’t back by anything (gold or anything). Fascinating little fact drop
sublimetrance says
Now imagine someone like yourself that thinks it is retarded to stay in
cash during a time like this. If the above scenario plays out and you have
thousands of dollars in the bank, you will still have your money when the
gov bank holidays are over. However you will be left with useless currency
that wont buy anything.
jimapoulson says
He mentionned hedging through gold. Perhaps he might be saying is that
there is no magic solution.
Lucky7wins says
M3 is to “expensive” to keep reporting? Yeah right!
ManufacturedThoughts says
Euros, British Pounds, Swiss Franks, etc
sublimetrance says
Because if we enter hyperinflation, there will be massive runs on the bank,
the government will declare bank holidays, and while your money is sitting
in the bank when hyperinflation goes into full swing, you will lose
everything you own. Scenario Timeline: 1) The beginnings of Hyperinflation
hit but the public is unaware. IE people like you think it is retarded to
go into cash. 2) People slowly start seeing inflation spike and start
withdrawing their money in mass.
Waldo Pepper says
@scevrog I’d go with ShadowStats. When was the last time you REALLY trusted
a politician?
XalphYT says
His very last comment confuses me completely: No stocks. No bonds. You want
to be liquid. So he’s advocating holding cash when cash is about to go to
zero? That sounds like absolutely the worst possible advice for people who
want to prepare against hyperinflation.
FortNikitaBullion says
Why do you want to be liquid and have cash if inflation is coming up? Is
this a joke?
ShmuelSpade says
Oh indeed, among people who take interest in these things it’s well known
that most money issued on Earth today is simply fiat and not market
generated. But why would CNN make it a point to mention that fact? I find
it surprising that they would talk about that at all. To the news media
gold is, in the words of Keynes, “a barbarous relic” and so is a dead fact
not worth mentioning. At least until now…
eventvisionsinc says
sad for america..greed is a sin and we will pay for it
MrPloppy1 says
I’m not one to jump onto any conspiracy theories but, when the Fed stops
reporting M3, then cranks out more money then they have since 1971… AND
THEN a year and a half later tries to rush through a $700 billion bailout
putting MORE money into the M3… I don’t know. It almost sounds like
they’re secretly moving all the pieces into place to purposly throw us into
a depression.
sublimetrance says
3) The gov steps in and creates bank holidays, effectively preventing
people from getting their cash from the banks. 4) Hyperinflation goes into
full swing during extended gov mandated bank holidays. 5) People unable to
get their money from the banks during these bank holidays lose everything
as hyperinflation destroys the currency. People mistakenly think
hyperinflation is slow process. It can happen very suddenly. Research the
collapse of the Weimar Republic.
royalecraig says
Why should the Global Elite care if America is destroyed, they will end up
owning the world. Get this Out, make it viral, wake people up.
MrsSarb says
Money grows on trees people! Woopie!
sublimetrance says
Now imagine if you had the foresight and had your money in cash outside the
banks. When hyperinflation goes into full swing, you would want to put your
money into anything tangible. IE Food. Clothing. Gas. Guns. Ammo. Tobacco.
Medical Supplies. Etc.